Unlike disgraced chef Paula Deen, a Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver was caught using the n-word on video. Riley Cooper, who
Today’s headline on Matt Drudge’s news aggregate website Drudgereport.com screams “JEANTEL WARNED ZIMMERMAN COULD BE GAY RAPIST” — a reference
Actress Stacey Dash, NFL player Kris Jenkins and civil rights activist Rev. Al Sharpton are among the black notables who
Celebrity chef Paula Deen is reeling from the backlash to her admission that she routinely calls black people “niggers.” In
Talk show Diva Wendy Williams reacted to TV chef Paula Deen admitting she regularly uses the N-word. “This is something
General Mills drew attention to hundreds of ignorant comments under its Cheerios TV ad featuring a biracial family by disabling
A bus company has cancelled tours that promised tourists a glimpse into the seedier side of New York “from a
After enduring intense pressure and scorn for using offensive language toward a 9-year-old, someone over at satirical website The Onion
A California woman was fired from her job after a racist Facebook message she wrote caught the attention of the
Thanks to Pat over at Weneedtostop.com for the link to this racist video parody of a Nintendo Wii commercial. Below