Yesterday, the mainstream media was all over the news that Barack Obama’s Treasury Secretary-designate Timothy Geithner, “forgot” to pay $34,000 in self-employment taxes from 2001-2004 (LINK).

Geithner explained that he merely made an error by not thinking he had to pay that $34,000. The left wing apologists, Huffington Post found a tax expert who claimed Geithner’s mistake was a “common” one.

Mind you, the IRS notified Geithner that he owed that money back in 2006. Even after repeated reminders by the IRS in writing, he still forgot.

In fact Geithner didn’t bother to pay his taxes until it became obvious that he would get the Treasury Secretary job. Then he hastily wrote a check for the unpaid taxes a few days before Obama announced him as his pick for Treasury Secretary.

Gee, it must really be nice to be him, huh?

In the real world where the rest of us reside, the IRS would have lit a fire under our asses if we forgot to pay $34,000 in taxes.

Once again Obama’s transition team seems to have a little problem vetting his cabinet picks. It isn’t like they aren’t aware that their picks have scandalous backgrounds — it’s just that they hope the media doesn’t find out.

The jokes write themselves. This one is from the Ace of Spades blog:

“Wesley Snipes just emailed me to say he too ‘forgot’ to pay his taxes, and would have been reminded to pay them, if only Obama had named him IRS Collector in Chief.”