More proof that Barack Hussein Obama, aka George Bush II, and his Treasury Secretary Tiny Tim Geithner knew about the multi-million dollar AIG bonuses for months before giving AIG another $30 billion in federal aid just two weeks ago!

Oh, and before we forget, Obama received his own $101,322 “bonus” check from AIG.

As Obama stood before Americans in mock outrage earlier this week, you could just see his puppet strings moving. Obama responded to the AIG bonuses only after the Wall Street Journal broke the story this past Sunday. Where was his outrage when he first learned about the bonuses months ago?

From the AP:

    Cue the outrage. For months, the Obama administration and members of Congress have known that insurance giant AIG was getting ready to pay huge bonuses while living off government bailouts. It wasn’t until the money was flowing and news was trickling out to the public that official Washington rose up in anger and vowed to yank the money back.

    Why the sudden furor, just weeks after Barack Obama’s team paid out $30 billion in additional aid to the company? So far, the administration has been unable to match its actions to Obama’s tough rhetoric on executive compensation. And Congress has been unable or unwilling to restrict bonuses for bailout recipients, despite some lawmakers’ repeated efforts to do so.

    The situation has the White House and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on the defensive. The administration was caught off guard Tuesday trying to explain why Geithner had waited until last Wednesday to call AIG chief executive Edward M. Liddy and demand that the bonus payments be restructured.

MM predicts Geithner will soon go under Obama’s bus wheels with the rest of the scapegoats.