This is a friendly reminder that the world is scheduled to end tomorrow.

According to radio preacher Harold Camping’s latest prediction, “Rapture 2.0” will begin just after midnight tonight in some parts of the world. It isn’t clear when the Rapture will reach the U.S.

In an announcement on his Family Radio Network website, Camping said the world will end — for sure — on October 21st, as God unleashes fire, brimstone and deadly earthquakes, though not necessarily in that order.

Some of you might be skeptical, but it is strongly suggested that you get your affairs in order… just in case.

According to the AJC, Timothy Lloyd, pastor Oakhurst Church in Decatur, is taking the latest Doomsday prediction seriously. Well, sort of:

“I am working on my sermon for Sunday,” he said with a smile. “I have compassion on the folks who get fooled by this stuff because life is tough and these predictions give people a glimmer of hope. It gives folks a solid sense, an assurance of where things are going, because they can actually point to a date on a calendar.”