Fans of The Wendy Williams Show are convinced Wendy Williams passed gas on live TV while discussing Odell Beckham Jr‘s arrest warrant.
The incident occurred during Friday’s episode of The Wendy Williams Show. Wendy, 55, wore a red jumpsuit and sat awkwardly while leaning to the right in an arm chair onstage.
As she discussed Beckham Jr’s charges for butt slapping an officer, a distinct sound can be heard on the video.
Many viewers swear the wet sound was Wendy letting out a fart on air. Some viewers claim they heard it but others say they did not hear anything. Some viewers say the video clip was altered to add the fart.
Others said the incident was “Karma” after Wendy mocked actor Joaquin Phoenix‘s cleft lip. Wendy apologized profusely for her insensitive comments toward the “Joker” star.
What causes excessive flatulence?
Flatulence is the accumulation of gasses in the colon and rectum. Doctors say passing gas is normal. Most healthy people pass gas between 14 and 23 times a day. But if you break wind more than that, you should consult a doctor because you could have a more serious GI problem.
Excessive flatulence is usually harmless and caused by swallowing air, chewing gum, sucking hard candy, eating gas-producing food such as lentils and beans, eggs, cheese, drinking carbonated sodas, or eating soluble fiber (like that found in some fruits and vegetables).
Black people are more lactose intolerant than other races. Blacks should avoid dairy products such as cow’s milk that contain lactose.
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