Here’s my take on the Heath Ledger story: I have to admit I was not familiar with the actor whose promising career was cut short by his untimely death. Someone reminded me that Mr. Ledger played a gay cowboy in the movie ‘Brokeback Mountain’. I never saw the movie.

For those of us who are unfamiliar with him, we can’t escape the wall to wall news coverage of his death. One of the troubling aspects of his death was his masseuse’s claims that she attempted CPR on Mr. Ledger when she found him unresponsive.

According to Nancy Grace, Ledger was found face down in his bed. Any masseuse should be trained in basic CPR 101 which teaches you to move an unresponsive person off the bed and onto the floor before initiating CPR. If you’re unable to move the patient, then a board or other hard surface should be placed under his back.

At any rate, the patient must be face up before any attempt at CPR can be made. If paramedics found Ledger face down in his bed, then no attempt at CPR was made.

The other troubling aspect is why the masseuse called actress Mary-Kate Olsen twice before calling 911? And did the actress send her security to the apartment to remove incriminating evidence? Lastly, if 911 was called 15 minutes after the masseuse heard Ledger snoring then she or the company she works for could be held responsible for not acting swiftly enough to save his life.