Sexy R&B singer Tank, real name Durrell Babbs, is a very busy man! Yesterday I posted a cute baby picture of the newest addition to Tank’s growing family. I say “growing family” because it has come to my attention that Tank has spawn everywhere from several side pieces.

It appears that one of those side pieces, Zena Foster, managed to get herself pregnant by him and she made sure the world knew it by sending the baby picture to Celebrity Babies blog.

A woman will do this for several reasons, one of which is the man told her she was a side piece and she can’t accept it because she convinced herself that she was the main one. According to my loyal reader truth08, Ms. Foster is not his girlfriend, she simply “gave herself the title” but he spent New Year’s Eve with his main woman ([pictured above) and the two even went to church together that same night.

You can read the full text of her comment after the break.

Posted by truth08 at Jan 22, 12:56 PM in Celebrity Seed: Tank Welcomes Baby Girl

zena is not Tank’s girlfriend. you can see the woman he is currently dating on his myspace page the address there is a caption nye and birthday. he spent that time with that woman including them going to church.

zena gave herself title on this one. robin givens was a jump off until she snapped on the brother. they stopped dealing right after the play tour. right around the end of march. tank now has 3 girls and one boy durrell babbs jr born this month to alysse the radio host down south.

tank will not be getting married anytime soon. and he is still single.