MTV Europe reported that Kanye West and his long suffering fiancee (they got engaged in 2006) were married in a small private ceremony somewhere. Of course all the blogs, ‘cept this one, ran with the story. Today, MTV wrote a retraction saying Kanye did not get married after all.

What they failed to mention was that Kanye’s people sent out the original press release informing the media of the wedding. These are the games PR people play to get press for their attention hungry clients. Some of these PR people charge $6,000 a month to send out bogus stories and then claim the stories aren’t true.

They do it to me too, but I’m not dumb enough to fall for it – which I’m sure frustrates them to no end!

For example, Tyler Perry‘s people have been trying me for the past two weeks. I received 3 emails with the “news” that Tyler and his longtime beard girlfriend were married in a secret ceremony. Now, y’all know I know better, right? Lol.

So don’t blame MTV for this Kanye story. Oh, and expect more stories and retractions from Kanye’s camp in the near future. PR people have to eat too.