This is Jennifer Hudson’s album cover. Actually, THIS is the original cover before I brought out the tape measure and went to work on it. Clearly, that is not Jennifer Hudson’s body. Her head, yes. Body, no.

The tape measure never lies, but record labels do, and we know J-Hud didn’t go on a crash diet to achieve the perfect waistline.

The poor saps over at Island Records art department all lost their jobs over this travesty of an album cover for Mariah Carey’s E=MC2. It looks like the art dept. at Arista will meet similar fates.

I’ll give‘s Michael K the honors:

JHud’s waist looks like it’s about to put up a white flag and call “mercy.” It’s obviously in major trauma from the 10 pairs of Spanx, 3 girdles and 25 layers of Saran-Wrap holding it down. I’m sure a couple of gay stylists were severely injured when they removed that belt from her waist. (Source)