Rodney asked me to post his email and phone number for Taraji’s people to contact him because he is serious about providing emergency styling assistance to Taraji.

Loyal reader Rodney Foster writes:

Good Morning Sandra,

This is Rodney Foster, one of your loyal readers from DC. I am the guy who emailed you a while back with the picture of me and my 50″ Birkin Bag. I agree with you, Taraji Henson needs a new stylist. I am a stylist and I tried to make it happen over the Christmas Holiday when she was in DC visiting her family, but for some reason I never got the chance to meet her.

Your loyal reader,
Rodney Foster

Well let’s see if we can make that happen Rodney.

There’s no doubt that our girl Taraji is going to win the Oscar for her touching acting in Benjamin Buttons. We want her looking right when she sashays onstage to collect her statuette!