Despite the fact that so many are already out of work and this country is mired in a deep recession, Barack Obama will aggressively push his immigration “open borders” bill making it easier for illegal immigrants to come to the U.S. and became legal residents.
None of this is surprising to those of us who don’t get drunk off the Kool-aide:
While acknowledging that the recession makes the political battle more difficult, President Obama plans to begin addressing the country’s immigration system this year, including looking for a path for illegal immigrants to become legal, a senior administration official said on Wednesday.
Mr. Obama will frame the new effort — likely to rouse passions on all sides of the highly divisive issue — as “policy reform that controls immigration and makes it an orderly system,” said the official, Cecilia Muñoz, deputy assistant to the president and director of intergovernmental affairs in the White House.
But with the economy seriously ailing, advocates on different sides of the debate said that immigration could become a polarizing issue for Mr. Obama in a year when he has many other major battles to fight.
Opponents, mainly Republicans, say they will seek to mobilize popular outrage against any effort to legalize unauthorized immigrant workers while so many Americans are out of jobs. READ MORE…
To those of you who say I’m an illegal immigrant, let me correct you: my mother brought my brothers and me to this country from London legally by filing the necessary paperwork and waiting for permission to bring us over. She didn’t just sneak us into the country. Therefore, I am a legal resident of the U.S.
What Obama wants to do is eliminate the immigration laws so people who sneaked into this country illegally can stay in the U.S. Isn’t that nice of him?
Good luck competing with those people for jobs when that happens!
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