To the media savvy among us, Desiree Rogers has never been considered anything less than a brilliant power player. Here’s a woman who is crafty and cunning enough to be the (alleged) jump off to the most powerful man in the country — and no one bats an eye.

Have you ever seen a jump off play her position so perfectly? And why shouldn’t she parlay her prominent position into a more lucrative one? Especially now that it’s clear Barack Obama won’t be leaving his wife anytime soon for her. Desiree may as well start stacking her chips since she’s not getting any younger.

Her first power move since making herself comfortable in Michelle Obama’s house was to ditch her corny sounding “social secretary” title for one with a more international flava: “Cultural liaison.”

This month, Ms. Rogers appears on the covers of both Wall Street Journal and Women’s Wear Daily magazines looking FAH-bulous! She’s quite the Diva. With all this exposure she’s been getting lately, you would think she was the First Lady, but isn’t that the whole point?

Anyway,, which refers to the Second Lady as “Socialite-in-chief” — goes in on Desiree for having the audacity to expand her man Barack’s brand. Yes, I know: they have PR people to do that. But in addition to wealth assessment and management, PR is listed among a good jump off’s specialties.

First Gawker quotes Desiree’s plans to aggressively market Barack Obama’s image:

“We have the best brand on earth – the Obama brand,” she tells WSJ.’s Amy Chozick. “Our possibilities are endless.” She likens her approach to that of Dove in expanding beyond a bar of soap.

Then they go in on her:

So, president = dumb floating bar of soap, whose handlers might someday turn him into something more useful and marketable like maybe hand cream or BODY WASH. That should go over well in homes that take the Wall Street Journal.

Gawker also takes offense to Desiree’s choice of images for her WSJ cover. They even applaud the deplorably inept White House press secretary, Robert Gibbs, for stepping in to kill Desiree’s photo op (obviously on orders of the First Lady):

During the WSJ shoot with Marc Hom, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs vetoed a shot of Rogers in an Oscar de la Renta ballgown in the First Lady’s garden…

Looks like Rogers is using her Harvard MBA about as effectively as the last guy to preside over the White House. READ MORE…