A CGI cartoon video titled “Black Marriage Negotiations” has gone viral on YouTube. This video is probably viral because so many single sistahs think they recognize someone they know in this video.

The problem is that sistahs don’t recognize themselves in this video.

The black man who is willing to bend in response to the black woman’s demands (because he loves her) is labeled a weak man.

The black woman portrayed in this video prefers a thug who will not bend — except to beat her down on occasion — which she believes indicates true love.

Black man: Well, you drive a hard bargain. But, because I love you so much, I’m willing to make the sacrifice.

Black woman: Naw, you’re too weak. I need a man with a backbone who won’t let me run all over him. Besides, you’re not 6-feet-5, and that’s a deal breaker.

Do you recognize yourself in this video?

Thanks to loyal reader Rodney for sending this in!