I wrote about Django Unchained earlier this year when it was the topic of heated discussions on message boards due to its racist content. Once again, director Quentin Tarantino takes liberal creative license with a film subject.
Expect excessive nudity, sexual imagery, racism and blood in Django Unchained, starring Jamie Foxx as a slave-turned-bounty hunter who sets out to rescue his wife (Kerry Washington) from a brutal Mississippi plantation owner (Leonardo DiCaprio).
What would a Tarantino-directed slave movie be without a horrific rape scene like this one? There will be plenty of slave stereotypes for moviegoers to digest (a character is named “House Nigger”). Not only is Kerry (Broomhilda) raped (twice), but she is also stripped naked and horse whipped by her white slave owner.
Django Unchained also stars Christopher Waltz as Jamie’s mentor; Samuel L Jackson, rapper RZA (Wu Tang Clan), Kurt Russell and Don Johnson (Miami Vice). The film is set for a Christmas 2012 release.

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