Obama and Jay Leno

President Obama hasn’t always been the great crusader for gay rights. It wasn’t that long ago when he was firmly against the idea of same-sex marriage.

But how quickly times change when someone has a hidden agenda.

“I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage,” said President Obama a few days before winning the election in 2008.

Obama, who is rumored to be bisexual, waited until he was re-elected to suddenly flip flop on the issue of gay marriage and LGBT rights.

In a taped appearance on NBC’s “The Tonight Show” that aired Tuesday night, Obama defended gay rights in Russia, and all but admitted he canceled his planned meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin next week in protest of the Russian law banning gay propaganda.

Obama told Jay Leno he had “no patience for countries that try to treat gays and lesbians and transgendered persons in ways that intimidate them or are harmful to them.”

But Obama said he would travel to Russia to attend the G20 Summit September 5-6.

“This is what he gets upset about?” asked poster Davy Smith in a comment on the HuffingtonPost website.

“Not his countrymen who were killed in Benghazi, not the selling of U.S. weapons to drug cartels, not the IRS scandal that targeted his own citizens, not the gathering of info on the citizens of the “free” country that he is supposed to be the leader of, not the crushing deficit in his country, not the staggering number of his citizens that are jobless and/or on welfare, not the constitution that he swore to uphold…”

HuffPo poster olehippi added:

“Wouldn’t it be great if Obama had no patience for countries like America that can’t provide enough jobs for its workforce? Or what about no patience for black fathers in America who abandon the mothers of their children? And what about no patience for the thousands of black on black crimes that happen every day in America?”

“I just want the right to marry my pet cockroach,” wrote HuffPo poster Yon7391.

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