Kanye West yearbook picture

Socialite Kim Kardashian posted this video of her husband, rap producer Kanye West reciting a poem about Martin Luther King, Jr. Kim stated she wished she had posted the video on the King holiday.

Awww, he’s so handsome!

From Miss Info:

Watching footage of Kanye Omari West in his formative years is always a blessing, not least because you can guarantee there’ll be flashes of the brash, fearless and endearing genius he grows up to be. In this clip from 1990, which was originally uploaded in 2012 but shared by Kim Kardashian on Twitter yesterday, a 12-year-old Yeezy takes to the podium in his middle school hall to recite a beautiful poem about Martin Luther King Jr. But not before announcing himself to the audience (“My name is Kanye West“) with the same confidence that has carried him all the way to the top of the totem pole. We can’t wait to see Nori do things like this when she’s older.

Here’s Kanye’s prose:

    “A man who fought for freedom/A man who fought for equality/Those who were against him/Were too blind to see/What this man was fighting for/So Blacks, Hispanics, Jews and Asians could put their foot in the door/Yes, we know that this man is great/That’s why today we celebrate/Everyone lifts their voice and sing/For a man who wanted freedom to ring/Martin Luther King is who I’m speaking of/A man whose name means love.”

YouTube video

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