Tongues wagged when First Lady Melania Trump appeared to slap President Donald Trump’s hand away as they arrived in Israel on Monday. But a closer look at the video shows she didn’t slap his hand away at all.
The video footage shows President Trump clearly extend his hand back with palm up. Mrs. Trump playfully gives her husband a low-five.
But Democrats interpreted Melania’s hand gesture as a rebuke of her husband — as if she would be that uncouth knowing the eyes of the world are upon her.
The high-five originated from the low-five which was popular in the black community until drunk sports fans modified the greeting in ball parks.
Mr. Trump famously offered his hand for Jeb Bush to give him a low-five during a CNN debate in 2015. Watch the Trump/Bush video below. And below that is a video demonstrating multiple versions of the low-five.

Photo by Ilia Yefimovich/Getty Images