A man flashing a fistful of cash and bragging on Facebook Live was rudely interrupted by a SWAT team kicking in his front door.
Breon Hollings, 22, of Jacksonville, Florida was arrested on Thursday, June 1, on drugs and weapons charges.
Hollings, a small time neighborhood drug dealer, was busy flashing cash on Facebook when his live session was interrupted by an officer on a bullhorn outside. “This is Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office. We’ve got a search warrant. Come to the front door,” said a male voice.
Hollings looked out the window then quickly ran out of the bathroom. Seconds later came the sounds of a door being taken off the hinges as officers raided the trap house on Amazon Avenue.
The petty drug dealer was arrested after police found a handgun, crack cocaine, ammunition, oxycodone pills and drug paraphernalia inside the home, according to an arrest report obtained by ActionNewsJax.com.
Authorities said the search warrant for the trap house was already secured before the raid. The Facebook Live video did not lead to Hollings’s arrest.