Some of you may not be aware that there is a war ongoing between male-to-female (MtF) transgenders Ts Madison, Funky Dineva and bio female blogger Michelle Brown, aka ATLIEN of
For weeks now, these men have waged a war on a biological woman, calling her offensive names and targeting her for abuse online because she has female reproductive organs and they don’t.
At the forefront of this targeted attack is Timothy Maurice Hinton, aka Ts Madison, 49.
It all started when Hinton’s manage, Gio, plastered Michelle’s personal phone number all over social media. She filed notice with the social media platforms to have her number removed.
Michelle uploaded a video detailing the abuse from mentally disordered males on Youtube and
On Sunday, Hinton posted a particularly offensive video attacking Michelle and other biological women.
The following are direct quotes from Mr. Hinton:
“I can even steal your idea and creation… and pretend like I’m the victim,” he said.
“Oh you were born that way? Ugh. I built my body from scratch.”
“God I wish I was real woman with a real vagina that doesn’t stink”
“What I don’t have is a stank uterus”
“Uterus is unclean…walking around with a asshole for a vagina”
“Unclean, unfinished vaginas”
Someone on Lipstick Alley took the time to write the Cliff Notes of the drama behind the entire sordid affair.
This is a mess, but TS Madison is doing way too much and it’s not a good look.
Michelle Brown is a blogger. She gets PAID to talk about what’s current in these streets. She has stated that she was a FAN of Queens Court even after Maddy took shots at her when Khia brought up the fact that Funky Dineva stole Michelle’s appliances and owes her money. Maddy flat out stated that that wasn’t true. Michelle still kept it cute.
It was only after the Mo’Nique saga that Michelle got thrust into it. Yes thrust because she didn’t have the power to insert herself. There are 5011 other YouTubers and bloggers talking about it yet Maddy isn’t dragging them. That should tell y’all what’s what.
Had Gio, Maddy’s manager, not put Michelle Brown’s number on the internet, this would have died down by now.