Steve Harvey ripped into Kirk Franklin‘s ungrateful son for publicly embarrassing his father by posting an audio clip of their argument.
Harvey shared his opinion on the controversy surrounding Franklin after his son, Kerrion Franklin, released audio of the gospel singer shouting and cursing at him.
The 33-year-old also alleges that his father was verbally and physically abusive toward him.
Harvey said he called Franklin before going in on Kerrion.
“Kirk Franklin has always been there for me. So I called him. And I told Kirk — Kirk say, ‘Unc, I’m having a tough day today.’ And I just called him to lift him up, to tell him, ‘Nah, man, get your head up out the dirt. Because you didn’t do nothing wrong.'”
He added:
“The pain that Kirk Franklin was in was for twofold. First of all, the betrayal of his son. That had to be devastating. That you would think so little of me. That you would take me in one of my rawest moments and try to destroy me by posting something that was purely between me and you.”
Harvey then addressed Kerrion directly:
“And his son knew exactly what he was doing. That’s why he posted it. But his son only posted the part that he thought could hurt Kirk. He didn’t post the part of what he was asking of Kirk. He didn’t post the part of what led up to Kirk’s anger.
“He ain’t posted none of the years — like Kirk was telling y’all about the therapy. But I’m telling you for a fact — [Kerrion] didn’t post and tell you about none of the years that he’s tried to make Kirk feel guilty and drag him through the mud and expect more Kirk’s new family was getting this and he didn’t feel like he getting that…”
Harvey continued:
“This young man — this boy is thirty three years old. How you 33-years-old and posting something your father said. That don’t make no sense. That shows you the lack of manhood that this man has.”
Harvey went on to chastise the church “wit y’all righteous self” for criticizing Franklin for using profanity.
“Y’all get off Kirk’s back! ‘Cause I tell you right now, you’re making a mistake. You come over here, you gon’ get cussed smoove out!”
Harvey added: Kirk don’t owe none of y’all no apology.”