DJ Envy and Charlamagne tha god got into a heated exchange Friday over the shooting death of Ma’Khia Bryant at the hands of Columbus police.
The Breakfast Club co-hosts disagreed whether the shooting was justified.
“I stand on the fact that I think [the four shots] was excessive, and I do not think that young girl should be dead today,” said Charlamagne. “Even if this is one that’s legally justified, sadly it doesn’t mean it’s right. Because police have shown us over and over that when it comes to Black people, the only way they deal with us is fatal force.”
But his co-host DJ Envy disagreed. Envy argued that the cop had seconds to react when he saw a woman armed with a knife lunging at an unarmed woman.
“If they would’a shot her in the foot, who’s to say that she still couldn’t stab the young girl,” Envy said.
DJ Envy also disagreed with Charlamagne that four shots were excessive.
“Everybody sees one side,” DJ Envy said, “but now think about the other side. Think about, that was your daughter about to be stabbed. You want them to dead… and stop the person from doing that.”
But Charlamagne referred to previous cases of excessive force as examples that cops have an agenda to kill Black people.
However, DJ Envy reoriented Charlamagne to the reality that hundreds of thousands of incidents occur annually between police and Black people that don’t end in bloodshed.
Watch the video below.