Pastor Creflo Dollar, founder of the Christian World Changers mega church in College Park, Georgia, admits tithing is a scam.
In a new video titled “The Great Misunderstanding,” Pastor Dollar admits he was wrong for asking his congregation to pay for his $65 million private jet years ago.
“Today I stand in humility to correct some things I’ve taught for years and believed for years.”
Pastor Dollar said asking parishioners to pay 10% of their earnings is wrong and sinful. He said God never instructed his flock to pay 10% to brick and mortar churches.
Instead, Dollar urged his congregants “to take a portion and put it aside. Now if you want to give 10% that’s fine but, you know, he didn’t say that.”
“You are under grace not under laws,” he said in the June 26 video.
It was a different message from the one he preached over a decade ago.
Dollar was among the first of the mega-church preachers to begin demanding W9 forms from his parishioners so he would know exactly how much income they earned — and how much they should be tithing.
In 2010 a loyal reader wrote in an email to Sandrarose.com that Dollar threatened his flock, saying if they didn’t tithe to him they would go straight to hell. He also reportedly said “how he wished he could shoot those that didn’t tithe right.”
She added, “This is not of God.”

Dollar’s congregation blessed him with untold riches. His custom built 17,017 square foot mansion sits on 182 acres of manicured land in Fayetteville, Ga.
Other pastors criticized Dollar’s message, saying he got it wrong.
“They quote Bible upside down, that’s why you have to be a Bible student, even a pastor can deceive you, please read Bible for yourself,” said Pastor David Ibiyeomie.
“So that somebody cannot preach something up-side-down and you believe. All manner of things are everywhere, some people preach tithe and they said no more tithe because they did not have a solid foundation in the Bible and some of you believe it,” Ibiyeomie added.
“Can somebody now tell me not to pay tithes? I will be foolish, I’ve read Bible for myself so nobody can preach to me, I saw it from the Bible so nobody can tell me not to pay tithes.”
Question: Will you continue to pay tithes now that Pastor Dollar says it’s all a scam?
Watch the video below.