Will Smith‘s ex-wife Sheree Zampino is accused of selling fake bags online.
According to MTO News, a group of angry customers contacted the FBI to report Zampino for allegedly selling bootleg designer bags at designer prices.
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills “friend” reportedly sells the high end bags on her online boutique called Sheree Elizabeth Boutique.
“I take great pleasure in buying & selecting each item offered at Sheree Elizabeth Boutique,” she writes on her website. “My mission is to provide each customer access to a variety of coveted styles, designs, and trends in order to create a unique shopping experience that you won’t find anywhere else!”
But Zampino’s clients complained that she sold them cheap Chinese knock off handbags which look similar to the authentic bags but with noticeable differences.
It’s illegal and a federal offense to knowingly sell bootleg designer handbags. The offense is punishable by prison time and a stiff fine.
Zampino, 54, is actor Will Smith’s first wife. They were married from 1992 to 1995 and they share a son named Trey Smith, 29.
She also has a daughter by her second husband, Terrell Fletcher. Zampino and Fletcher separated in 2014 after 7 years of marriage.
Zampino responded to the allegations in a video on her Instagram page.