Thanks to loyal reader Stacy B. for giving us the heads up on Wendy Williams doing the Beyonce baby bump sit down test with two of her staffers who really are pregnant. One of Wendy’s staffers is due to deliver her baby in February, 2012 — the same month that Bey is supposedly delivering whatever it is she’s carrying.
Update: after watching the video (and laughing my head off!), we decided to compare pics of what a real pregnant woman looks like when she sits, compared to bumbling Beyonce.
First of all, do you see Beyonce’s awful posture when she sits? What pregnant woman sits leaning so far forward with her head down at an almost 45 degree angle to her stomach? Notice how she’s not protecting her stomach when she sits the way a real pregnant woman would? We could go on and on, but you get the point.
Click the link to watch the results of Wendy’s test!