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Brianna Hamblin has a problem most women would envy: she is blessed with striking beauty and light eyes that make her irresistible to men.

Hamblin’s beauty is a blessing and a curse. She complains that she is constantly getting hit on by men at work in the field.

Hamblin is a reporter for Spectrum Local News in Rochester, NY, formerly CBS19.

Despite not dressing provocatively, and not wearing too much makeup, Hamblin is constantly getting hit on.

She took to Twitter to explain her dilemma:

“Being hit on and harassed as a woman, especially as a woman reporter out in the field, happens so often you learn how to roll with it or ignore it. This time it happened to be recorded only seconds before my hit. There are A LOT of things wrong with this.”

The video, which includes profanity, is going viral on Twitter.

Hamblin gets cat calls from men even though her cameraman, Scott Barstow, is standing right there.

Scott empathized with Hamblin.