Blind Item

Blind Item

Not So Blind Item did not write the following Blind Item. Please direct questions or gripes to the original source. via —

Blind Item

Not So Blind Item

Via Blind Gossip: This female singer was talking about how she would like to celebrate her next birthday. She mentioned

Blind Item

Not So Blind Item

A few well-known rappers may well be concerned that they were exposed to a STD. The rappers allegedly had sex

Blind Item

Not So Blind Item

Apparently, a certain R&B singer isn’t the only one letting it burn. A certain music producer and part-time reality TV

Blind Item

Not So Blind Item

This fired housewife is literally begging for her job back. According to Tamara Tattles, the housewife, who was let go

Blind Item

Not So Blind Item

The following Blind Item is about an insecure female singer who creates unnecessary drama in relationships because she fears commitment

Blind Item

Not So Blind Item

I did not write the following Blind Item. Please direct any questions or gripes to the original source of the

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