Megyn Kelly was noticeably missing from her NBC morning talk show on Thursday — just days after the public uproar
Roseanne Barr refuses to back down after the severe rebuke she received when she sent out a racist tweet about
The maker of Ambien defended the popular sleep drug in a tweet referencing Roseanne Barr’s offensive tweets. The 65-year-old actress
Blacklisted actress Roseanne Barr returned to on Tuesday to beg her followers to stop boycotting ABC over the network’s
The fallout continues for Hollywood outcast Roseanne Barr who is under fire for tweeting an image comparing former President Obama
Disney’s ABC has cancelled Roseanne Barr’s popular scripted television show after the feisty star went on a Twitter rampage on
The final episode of ABC’s political TV thriller Scandal aired on Thursday night. The show was canceled after 7 seasons.
Netflix has cancelled its web series House of Cards after star Kevin Spacey apologized to actor Anthony Rapp for molesting
A rapey scene between two Bachelor in Paradise contestants was so disturbing to a female producer that ABC halted production
BACKGRID A rapey scene between two reality TV show contestants resulted in producers canceling the “The Bachelor” spinoff “Bachelor in