Michelle Obama is executive producer of a new reality dating series titled "The Later Daters." The former first lady shared relationships tips in a video with Netflix...
On the reality web series, the women pop their balloons for the least attractive men. As you can see from the video below, it was hate at first sight.
Bow Wow is launching a new dating series on BET after pitching his idea to the Black Entertainment TV channel
"Ken", a retired military man and single father, recalled his disastrous first date on Bravo TV's "Love Match Atlanta"
Rachel Lindsay, left, claims ESPN host Sage Steele was "thrilled" when she didn't choose a Black man on ABC's "Bachelorette"
HBO Max dropped the trailer for its new reality TV series "FBoy Island, hosted by comedian and actress Nikki Glaser
Love Is Blind cast member Carlton Morton threatened suicide after social media users refused to support him when he came out as bisexual