On the day that American terrorist Army Major Nidal Hasan opened fire on his fellow troops killing 13 and wounding 31, Barack Obama “cautioned” the nation and the media against jumping to conclusions “until we know all the facts.”

This seemed to be a very odd request coming from Obama (a closet muslim), who obviously was already aware of all the facts concerning this terrorist who reportedly yelled “Allahu Akbar” (God is greatest) before firing on the soldiers at Forth Hood, Texas.

It seems that the CIA (who operate under Obama) were aware that Hasan tried to contact Al Qaeda operatives months ago!

Now it all makes sense! Obama didn’t condemn the muslim terrorist who murdered Americans on our soil. Instead, Obama asked us to be patient and wait until all the details were in.

But before Obama could get the words out of his mouth, we learned that Hasan, an American born to Palestinian parents, was a muslim extremist who frequently wrote anti-war sentiments on his blog. Doesn’t the government check these blogs?

We also found out that Hasan tried to buy his way out of being deployed to Iraq by offering to repay his government loans, but the government refused. And we now know that Hasan killed Americans because he didn’t want to kill his fellow muslims in Iraq.

Isn’t it funny that we knew all of this about Hasan but Obama didn’t?

Isn’t the commander-in-chief (Obama) supposed to be made aware of this sort of threat to national security? You mean, a U.S. soldier can try to contact Al Qaeda and nothing is done about it until he kills Americans?

Wait, it gets worse: Hasan’s imam who runs a mosque in Falls Church, VA, runs a website calling for Jihad against America! Yet this terrorist is allowed to live and eat right here in the United States!

Why do we need to capture Bin laden when we have home grown terrorists living and working openly in the United States?
