Khloe Kardashian lashed out at her late father’s two ex-wives on for alleging that she was not a full fledged Kardashian.

Khloe was steamed at the 2 ex-wives for blabbing to celebrity gossip websites that Robert Kardashian, who died of cancer in 2003, told each of them that Khloe was not his kid.

“The audacity you have to mention my father’s name like this!,” she tweeted yesterday. She added: “Should be ashamed of urself! I let a lot of things slide but this one is really low… YOU ARE DISGUSTING! (yes you know who YOU are)”

But did a little digging around and unearthed an old court document that seems to suggest that Khloe might have sprang from Kardashian’s loins after all.

Robert Kardashian swore that Khloe IS his biological daughter … torpedoing claims by his ex-wives that Khloe was fathered by another man.

When Robert was seeking to have his 2nd marriage annulled from Jan Ashley in 1999, he submitted a declaration to the judge stating that the marriage did not work because Jan wanted to have his child … but he did not.

In the declaration, Robert says, “I decided that since I already had four biological children, I did not wish to have any more.”

Jan just told a tabloid that Robert had privately confessed to her he was NOT Khloe’s biological dad — but that seems to fly in the face of Robert’s own declaration.

Great work, TMZ! I’m sure this will make Robert rest easier.