Shocking new video shows Baltimore Ravens star Ray Rice delivering the knock out punch to his then-fiancee Janay Rice in an Atlantic City elevator. The new video, published by gossip tabloid TMZ, shows the violence that occurred inside the elevator at Revel Casino on February 15.
Like Jay Z’s sister-in-law Solange Knowles, Ray Rice didn’t realize a camera was rolling when he got on the elevator.
After entering the elevator, Ray, 27, and Janay Rice began arguing. Ray shoved Janay and she retaliated by shoving him back. Rice then landed a brutal left hook to Janay’s jaw that caused her head to slam against the elevator wall, knocking her out cold.
Surveillance cameras inside and outside the elevator shows Ray Rice dragging Janay out of the elevator and callously stepping over her as she lays unconscious on the floor.
Ray and Janay Rice were both arrested and charged with simple assault. Janay’s charge was later dropped.
Janay Rice went on to marry Rice despite his obvious penchant for abusive behavior toward women.
Following an avalanche of criticism from women’s groups and NFL fans, the NFL suspended Ray Rice for just 2 games and instituted a strict league wide policy on domestic abuse. But that wasn’t enough. The new video has renewed calls for Ray Rice’s to be banned for life.
Current and former NFL players are also calling for Ray Rice to be banned from the NFL.
Goodell released a statement on MOnday saying he nor the Baltimore Ravens saw the new video before suspending Ray Rice for just 2 games.
“To say you got that wrong is an understatement. Very disappointed in you. Wow…unbelievable,” Twitter user London Fletcher tweeted at NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell.
Watch the disturbing video below.

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