Despite what you may think about you man or your rock solid marriage/relationship – your man lies to you. No man is an angel or God would have given him his wings. So be thankful (especially if you live in Atlanta) that you even have a man who walks through your door every night. The fact is there is one man for every 7 women in Atlanta and chances are your man is creeping with at least one of those women. Read on:

DMX explains the art of makin’ excuses in this video (as if you men didn’t already know all of these). Please listen to him ladies because he speaks the truth about lying. I spend a lot of time around men and I hear what they say about their other women and how they keep the wifey happy and clueless.

I was shocked when I attended Frank Ski‘s Wine Tasting party and all the men at the party approached me with warm hugs saying they loved my site! The MEN are all over my site. Apparently the word has gotten out that I’m revealing their secrets so they check the enemy out every morning to see what I’m saying! I feel so loved!