As Barack Hussein Obama prepares to meet with the largest medical association in America on Monday, its doctors are already going on record opposing Obama’s national health plan.
From the NY Times:
As the health care debate heats up, the American Medical Association is letting Congress know that it will oppose creation of a government-sponsored insurance plan, which President Obama and many other Democrats see as an essential element of legislation to remake the health care system.
The American Medical Association (A.M.A.), with its 250,000 member doctors, is America’s largest physician organization. Without their approval, Obama’s health plan is dead in the water, so to speak.
Nurses that I’ve spoken with over the last 6 months also oppose the national health care plan (I’m a registered nurse). None of Obama’s grand plans have produced the expected results so far. His $800 billion stimulus bill is already an epic failure.
We nurses know that what Obama proposes will be a nightmare because we are the ones in the trenches! Why doesn’t the Obama administration focus on Medicare and Medicaid? Why not fix those ailing programs first?
Obama’s plan will drive private insurance companies like State Farm and Aflac out of business. Private insurance companies cover almost 70% of Americans. The insurance companies that survive will be at the mercy of Obama, Pelosi and the government.
Meaning, if you’re over 65 and you require hip surgery, that option will not be available to you under Obama’s health plan because it will be deemed too expensive. There is simply not enough money for what Obama proposes. And if doctors and nurses leave the field as they say they will, there won’t be any medical services either.
Artwork source: MM