Those of us who knew better scoffed at reports that troubled singer Rihanna was dating British model Dudley O’Shaughnessy, 21. We already knew that the 23-year-old Bajan is neither Dudley’s speed, nor proper gender. Rihanna clearly has a type. Unfortunately, her type is usually gay or bisexual.

According to British tabloid The Mirror, Dudley dismissed rumors that he and Rihanna are dating. The fighter-turned-model said he just doesn’t have the time to be Rihanna’s beard: “My career is my biggest priority right now,” he said.

At his mom’s home in East London yesterday, he told the paper: “We had fun together, but I don’t know whether I will see her again to be honest.” He added: “I’d like to go to America …but for work.”

Rihanna is featured on the cover of this month’s Esquire magazine. In the cover story, the self-hating singer, who is bisexual, revealed that she still struggles with her feelings of inadequacy, which leads her to pine away for the unavailable men who often end up brutalizing her.

Rihanna revealed she was still a fan of Brown’s despite the fact that he pummeled and kicked her into a bloody mess in 2009: “It was too much anger. I’m really excited to see the breakthrough he’s had in his career,” she said.

“Even when the world seemed like it was against him, you know? I really like the music he’s putting out. I’m a fan of his stuff. I’ve always been a fan. I would never wish anything horrible for him. Never. I never have.”

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