Jack Osbourne, the 26-year-old son of rock musician Ozzy Osbourne and music manager Sharon Osbourne, has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

Other celebrities afflicted with the nerve disorder include actress Lola Falana, the late comic Richard Pryor, and R&B singer Tamia.

MS is a disease in which the body’s immune system attacks its own nerve cells by eating away at the sheath that protects the nerves similar to the insulation coating covering electrical wires in your home.

Once the protective coating on the nerve is damaged, the flow of electricity from the brain to the body is interrupted.

People with severe cases of multiple sclerosis may lose the ability to walk or speak, according to the Mayo Clinic.

There is no cure for multiple sclerosis. But with medication and therapy the debilitating symptoms of MS may be alleviated, delayed or controlled (for a long period time). 40% of people with MS reach the 70th year of life. The main cause of death of people with MS is suicide.


Signs and symptoms of MS depends upon the location of the nerve damage. Signs/Symptoms of MS include:

  • Numbness or weakness in hands or feet which eventually spreads to arms and feet
  • Burning pain in leg or arm muscles after mild exertion (example: walking up 1 flight of stairs)
  • Feeling tired all the time (easily fatigued)
  • Depression, feeling of hopelessness
  • Dizziness, vertigo (room feels like it’s spinning)
  • Loss of balance, stumbling, difficulty walking
  • Bumping into walls, doors or furniture
  • Lack of coordination
  • Muscle spasms
  • Tremors in hands
  • Visual problems (double vision, uncontrollable eye movements)
  • Hearing loss, Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • Facial pain
  • Tingling sensations, pain in hands and/or feet
  • Constipation or difficulty urinating
  • Decreased attention span, memory loss
  • Erectile dysfunction in men
  • (See full list of symptoms)

    *If you experience these symptoms it doesn’t mean you have MS. You should consult your physician or healthcare provider for an evaluation.


    There are no specific diagnostic tests to detect multiple sclerosis. The disease is diagnosed by ruling out other medical problems that may be the cause of your symptoms.

    Tests include neurological exam, eye exam, blood tests, MRI scan, nerve function studies (to test the electrical impulses from your brain), or a spinal tap procedure performed under local anesthetic in which a long needle is inserted into your spine to collect fluid for testing.


    Treatment includes steroid drugs such as cortisone and Prednisone to relieve the inflammation. Your doctor might prescribe oral prednisone tablets or intravenous methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol) once a month. (A nurse can come to your home to administer the IV Solu-Medrol.)

    Doctors might also prescribe antidepressants, anti-anxiety meds, muscle relaxers for the painful spasms, drugs for your bladder to help you urinate, and laxatives for constipation, among other drugs.

    A physical or occupational therapist can teach you stretching and strengthening exercises, and show you how to use devices that can make it easier to perform daily tasks.

    This has been your Medical Minute.

    More info on the web

    Multiple sclerosis – Mayo Clinic

    Multiple sclerosis – PubMed Health

    Multiple sclerosis – National MS Society

    Multiple sclerosis – Wikipedia


    Any medical information published on this blog is for your general information only and is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice. You should not take any action before consulting with your personal physician or a health care provider. Sandrarose.com and its affiliates cannot be held liable for any damages incurred by following advice found on this blog.

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