Gabrielle Union made a guest appearance on Chelsea Handler’s late-night TV show, Chelsea Lately, where she promoted her scripted BET TV series, Being Mary Jane. Union’s fiancé, Miami Heat superstar Dwyane Wade, 32, recently admitted to fathering a baby boy with a groupie. So, naturally, Handler’s questions turned to the 41-year-old actress’ relationship with her cheating man.
Union explained to Handler how she met Wade and how she told him about her strange bathroom habits right from the jump. Apparently Union has overactive bowels which cause her to go “three times a day.”
She said she warned Wade she farts and poops, but unlike most considerate women, she doesn’t close the bathroom door or light a match to mask the offensive odor.
“From jump. There’s none of that ‘I don’t fart, I don’t poop.’ I have a high fiber diet. You’re gonna… this is happening. We’re doing this right from jump,” Union said.
Union added: “Oh by the way, I go three times a day and I leave the door open! And I don’t light a match.”
Having a bowel movement 3 times a day is unusual for anyone other than infants. But Union did say she stays in shape with regular exercise and adherence to a high fiber, vegan diet regimen called the “Porn Diet.”
But who wants to date a woman with overactive bowels who refuses to close the bathroom door when she does her business? Maybe that’s why Wade spends most of his time in other women’s beds?

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