As one of the lead singers of Destiny’s Child, Beyonce Knowles-Carter never wasted a moment reminding her 2nd lead singer, Kelly Rowland, who the real queen B was. As an unchecked young narcissist, Beyonce was raised to believe the world revolved around her. As she grew older — and her arrogance threatened to destroy her career — Beyonce learned to hide her insecurities and fragile low self-esteem behind a thinly veiled mask. The public only sees what she wants them to see.
Below are videos showcasing a few of Beyonce’s priceless shady moments. Watch as Beyonce dominates group interviews and displays rude, abrasive and arrogant behavior toward her bandmates. These videos expose the REAL Beyonce in all her conceited, self-centered glory. Not the Beyonce who surprised 750 Walmart shoppers with $50 gift cards, but the bitch who thinks she is all that.

“If you ever meet me, and I have a attitude, just slap me…”