Jeremy Meeks mugshot

A mugshot of a California inmate with runway model looks has captured the imaginations of lovesick ladies everywhere.

30-year-old Jeremy Meeks was busted in a Stockton, CA. gun sting, the NY Daily News reports.

Meek’s mugshot quickly went viral after the Stockton police posted his mugshot on its Facebook page recently.

It must be his baby blue eyes or his chiseled features that has so many lonely ladies offering to bail him out of jail.

Or maybe it’s his oversized neck tattoos and that lone teardrop tatt on his face that signifies how many bodies have fallen.

Whether it’s his animal magnetism or just the fact that he’s an emotionally unavailable thug, one thing is for sure: he’s hood famous now.

Update: Blogger Miss Jia found Jeremy’s look-a-like brother.

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