Gregg and NeNe Leakes

NeNe Leakes posted an updated photo of her husband Gregg Leakes, who was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Mr. Leakes has undergone several surgeries and is currently regaining his strength.

The Real housewives of Atlanta star captioned the photo: “Gregg says it’s been a long time y’all but heyyyyyy #lifeoftheleakes”.

In related news, NeNe is threatening to sue her eldest son’s baby mama, Symone Davis, who spilled the tea about NeNe and her son.

In an interview on the Armon Wiggins Youtube show, Symone said Nene turned on her after she got pregnant with Bryson Bryant’s 2nd or 3rd child. She said NeNe encouraged her to abort the child, saying, “Why would you want to have that baby!? It’s going to be a drug baby, you know my son is on drugs.”

Symone also claimed Bryson has terrible hygiene and he once went for days on end without bathing. She also said Bryson and his other baby mama participated in group sex, and he wasn’t sure if her kid was his.

At one point, Bryson called in to the show, and over a bad connection, he told Symone to quit talking about his mother before the line went dead.

According to

“At the 1 hour and 43 minute mark someone claiming to be NeNe’s assistant Brandon called in and read Symone for filth and said NeNe is not in this child’s life because there is no DNA evidence to say she should be.”

Symone later confirmed that there was no DNA test.

NeNe then called into the Armon Wiggins Show to defend her family name. During the call she threatened to sue Symone, saying she didn’t know her and the girl made lots of defamatory statements.

Listen to NeNe’s call below:

YouTube video

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