Scott Dudelson/FilmMagic

Kanye West has officially turned his back on secular music after accepting Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.

Rap music helped make Kanye West a multi-millionaire many times over. But according to Kanye’s pastor, rap music is “the devil’s music,” and he wants no part of it.

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Adam Tyson, West’s pastor at Placerita Bible Church in California, says Kanye turned his back on secular music after he recently became a born-again Christian.

“One time, he told me that he wasn’t going to rap [anymore],” Tyson said in an interview.

“I said, ‘Why not?’ He said, ‘That’s the devil’s music’. I said, ‘Hey, man. Rap is a genre. You can rap for God’.”

Tyson told Kanye he could still use his God-given rap talent to make millions for his church.

But Kanye told him the devil’s music was responsible for his sinful behavior.

Rich Fury/Getty Images

“The guilt of sin brought him down low. He would say the devil basically brought him to a place where he just felt like he was in bondage to his sin. So he said, ‘I got delivered’.”

Joseph Marzullo/

Kanye also said his wife Kim Kardashian’s revealing style of dress was becoming a problem for him.

He said Kim’s provocative style of dress was negatively affecting his “soul and spirit.”

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