Actress Gabrielle Union, 47, celebrated Halloween by posting images of herself in a cheerleading uniform from her Bring It On movie days.
Many of you pointed out a noticeable lump above Union’s bellybutton. Your auntie is not a doctor, but the lump appears to be a supraumbilical hernia, which simply means a hernia above the bellybutton. A supraumbilical hernia should not be confused with an umbilical hernia.
What is a supraumbilical hernia?
According to Doctors NDTV, a supraumbilical hernia is a type of ventral or abdominal wall hernia. A supraumbilical hernia is less common than umbilical hernias that spontaneously close in some babies by age 3.
What causes a supraumbilical hernia?
A supraumbilical hernia is the result of a defect just above the umbilical ring muscle. The umbilical ring muscle weakens and allows fat or part of internal organs to protrude through the small hole.
The muscle defect combined with increased intra-abdominal pressure causes the hole to increase and allows more of the organ to protrude through. Increased intra-abdominal pressure can be caused by excessive or high-intensity exercises.
Unlike spontaneous umbilical hernias that may or may not require surgery to close, a supra-umbilical hernia usually always requires surgery to close.
There is usually no pain or discomfort at the hernia site. Surgery can wait a few months, unless the hernia begins to grow or causes discomfort.
How is a supraumbilical hernia treated?
A doctor will perform routine surgery under a general anesthetic to push the protrusion back inside the abdomen and close the hole. Stitches are used to strengthen the weakness in the muscle wall.
This has been your Medical Minute.
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