Kim Kardashian’s advice for aspiring business women backfired badly. The 41-year-old millionaire and aspiring lawyer offered tips for working women in a cover story for Variety magazine, while promoting her family’s new reality TV series on HULU, “The Kardashians.”

Noting that most women are on social media, Kim said, “I have the best advice for women in business. Get your f—ing ass up and work. It seems like nobody wants to work these days.”

Actress and frequent Kardashian critic Jameela Jamil was among those offering a reality check to the single mom-of-four.
“Nobody needs to hear your thoughts on success/work ethic,” Jamil wrote on social media. Jamil noted that Kim and her privileged siblings made very little effort to collect men, money and material things.
“They shouldn’t be asked about their secret to success. They shouldn’t answer those questions,” Jamil wrote.
“It’s all obvious to everyone, and I hope nobody holds themselves to the standards of people who were raised by millionaires. Just take the money, use it for good and chill the f— out when lecturing others about grind and hustle. And learn how to brag without putting others down who have less.”
Jamil added:
“I think if you grew up in Beverly Hills with super successful parents in what was simply a smaller mansion… nobody needs to hear your thoughts on success/work ethic.”
TV personality Meghan McCain, said Kim ignores the economic and environmental factors that hold women back.
“Being born into privilege is a blessing,” McCain said. “Millions of Americans get up at the crack of dawn, work multiple jobs and have incredible work ethic, but are unable to pull themselves out of their socioeconomic station.”
She added:
“Kim’s comments also play into the archaic belief that some women’s careers stall because of their actions. Kim’s remarks ignore that inflation is skyrocketing, gas prices are hitting historic highs, society has been savaged by Covid and the world appears to be on the verge of a possible WWIII. All of these factors impact everyone’s success.”
Twitter weighed in on the controversy.
Funny how u tell woman to get off there ass and work but yet only reason u are so famous is cause of a sex tape and u grew up rich with all these connections so wtf are u talkin bout
— Gator (@aaronroyce13) March 11, 2022
That’s real hard work Kim! Wow. That pose. That outfit. I mean what a hard day at work you must have. ?
— sadashsar (@sadashsar812) March 11, 2022
get your inflated plastic ass up and work girl
— hercu (@hercu97163090) March 11, 2022
Breaks my heart knowing that I work harder than kim kardashian and she’s worth more than me
— Trent? (@ImNotTrentt) March 11, 2022
Almost called out of work today but then I heard Kim Kardashian calling me a lazy broke bitch ???
— Amanda Nicole™ (@amandeezyx) March 11, 2022
The irony of telling women to get up and work when you got famous for making the worlds worst sex tape…
— Hayes Farm Cottage (@farmingathayes) March 11, 2022