Scott Olson/Getty Images

The U.S. Supreme Court may refuse to overturn a decision by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to reject a trademark for the phrase “Trump Too Small.”

According to CBS News, Steve Elster, who sought to register the mark, said the mark is meant to convey a political message about former President Trump and his policies.

But the Supreme Court Justices were skeptical of Elster’s true intentions. They dismissed arguments from Elster’s attorney that his free speech rights were violated when the government refused to register the trademark under a provision of federal trademark law.

In 2018, Elster, a California attorney, applied to register the words “Trump Too Small” for use on t-shirts and hats. But the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office rejected the application.

So Elster took his case to the Supreme Court, which appears poised to toss the case out of court.

It isn’t clear what the phrase “Trump Too Small” means, but the justices spent little time considering the matter in oral arguments, according to CBS News.

Trump’s loyal followers consider him to be a giant among men.

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