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YouTuber Funky Dineva is out of a job at Fox Soul TV’s “Tea-G-I-F” after four seasons.

Tea G-I-F is a daily talk web series now co-hosted by Claudia Jordan and Al Reynolds.

Funky Dineva, 50, explained his resignation in a video on Monday, Jan. 1. He said he chose to leave after Fox Soul execs refused to pay him what he felt he was worth.

Prince Williams/FilmMagic

Dineva tried to compare his pay dispute to actress Taraji P. Henson who recently fell out with “The Color Purple” producer Oprah Winfrey over her salary. Oprah quickly resolved the salary dispute.


Taraji is a veteran actress who deserves all of her coins. While Dineva is lucky that anyone is willing to pay him for what he does.

There are reports that Fox Soul’s plan all along was to give Dineva’s seat to Ts Madison on the web series. There are also reports that his co-hosts went along with the plan in order to get rid of Dineva.

Dineva tried to pull a boss move but he got the rug pulled out from under him.

Question: Will you continue to watch Tea-G-I-F?

Update: YouTuber Michelle “ATLien” Brown responded to Funky Dineva’s resignation. Watch her video below.

Watch the video below.

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