How embarrassing for White House Social Secretary Desiree Rogers and her incompetent staff:

It seems that an uninvited couple showed up at a White House checkpoint for Barack Obama’s 1st state dinner on Nov. 24, and simply walked in like they owned the place.

Michaele Salahi — who is a cast member on the 1st season of ‘Real Housewives of DC’ – and her husband, millionaire Tareq Salahi, attended the prestigious White House dinner without an invite and later posted pictures of their escapade on Facebook.

The Salahis posted pics of themselves posing with WH chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, Vice President Joe Biden and marines on the White House lawn.

Bravo cameras followed the couple throughout the day on Tuesday as they prepared for the party, but the cameras were not on White House grounds that night, according to a Bravo spokesman.

At first the White House lied and said the couple never got close to the president. It took 3 days for a picture of the couple schmoozing with Barack Obama at the dinner to surface online.

When the AP asked WH social secretary Desiree Rogers whether she or anyone from her office were at the checkpoint to receive the guests, she answered curtly, “We were not.”

isn’t that her job to make sure someone is at the checkpoint to see that her invited guests get in OK and to keep uninvited guests out? Maybe if Desiree tended to her job a little better instead of worrying about being on the social scene, this kind of scandal could have been avoided.

Now everyone’s pointing fingers and the Secret Service is scrambling to explain how this couple got through their supposedly strict security procedures. A spokesman for the SS acknowledged that protocol was not followed that night.

Ronald Kessler, author of a book on the Secret Service, said in an interview:

“While the couple did pass through a magnetometer to detect weapons, they could have assassinated the president or vice president using other means — anthrax, for example. The additional security checks referred to by the Secret Service spokesman screen for such items as radiological contamination but would not detect secreted biological weapons.”

And let’s not forget that somewhere within the hallowed halls of the White House, the Obamas children were sleeping soundly. Their lives could have been endangered by this unprecedented lapse in security.

What an embarrassment this administration is.