I spoke to Monica today about her show THE SINGLE: MONICA, and her role in it. Monica made it clear that she had no part in any deceptive marketing practices in promoting the show. Once informed about my previous post, Mo was concerned that her fans might feel they had been deceived.

Here’s what Monica said:

The one hour show that airs tonight is simply about my quest to find a balance between being a mother, a fiancee and most of all an artist. In this quest, we worked with a couple of producers as I strived to make “Still Standing” the kind of record that my fans will love.

I extend my sincerest apologies if anyone was mislead because that was not our intention. The show will have a spin-off that is not about producers by any means – nor is it about any other artists. [The spin off show] will be about me, my life and my family.

I hope people enjoy the show tonight and I want to thank each and every one of you for constantly sending positive energy in my direction. And that includes Sandra and her readers. I love them dearly. And remember to not let yesterday get in the way of today. If you believe in yourselves, doors of opportunity will open up constantly. This is just the beginning.

Again, the misconception was not intended by myself or my staff.

Thanks to all the sites that continue to hold me down such as Fortheloveofmonica.com, Monicamusic.com, Monicasoul.com and Monica-Arnold.com, and others.

It took a lot to make the show come together. I want to thank God first, and then my children, their father, my mother and step dad, my father – who was out of town so didn’t get to make the show – my aunt Laura, my uncles Leonard, James, and Larry and all the other members of my extended family.

Also, thanks to the entire camera crew that spent morning, noon and night with me and my family.