For those of you who aren’t familiar, Lou Dobbs is a popular CNN anchor who hosts his own show, Lou Dobbs Tonight on the cable news network. Dobbs is known for being fair and unbiased in his reporting.

A loyal reader sent me this photo of Dobbs holding a box of Obama Pancake Waffles in a photo taken at a conference. The reader accuses Lou Dobbs of being racist.

If you’ve ever attended a major conference you know that there are always gift bags and freebies given away at conferences. So how does that make Lou Dobbs racist just because he was given a sample at a conference?

The reader points out that a post with this photo mysteriously disappeared from the Obama Waffles website.

Well, first off, I don’t think a company can manufacture waffles with Obama’s likeness and name without his permission.

Let’s choose our battles a little more carefully and try not to paint everybody with a sweeping racist brush.

(Photo source)