Some of you ladies have been very hard on my Morning Wood men here lately. It seems I can’t post
I’ve been saying all year that Rihanna was way ahead of her competition in terms of personal style and trend
BeYAWNce just won’t quit! With 22 days left before the nation witnesses the swearing in of the 44th president, Bey
Unlike a Beyonce or Destiny’s Child video, I was able to watch this video in its entirety from beginning to
Atlanta’s own Monica threw a private birthday bash for her fiance Rocko last night at Straits and all of Atlanta’s
Last night I got a call from a trusted and very credible insider who gave me the scoop on the
Sharell Butler, left, is charged with the deaths of John Hopkins Drago (center) and Christopher Umpierrie 15-year-old Sharell Butler, described
Here’s Ciara’s pitiful attempt at a freestyle over Beyonce’s lame “Diva” track. The link is courtesy of loyal member Charles.
Loyal reader Danay wrote: Hi Sandra, I hope I’m not too late for the X-mas pics.. I love your site!!
I first heard about this song yesterday when longtime loyal reader Andre Bernard (whose picture I posted in my Readers