The world is in an uproar again over a pregnant lady (with excess facial hair) giving birth to a baby boy earlier today. It as her second child by artificial insemination.

OK, I’m kidding about the world being in an uproar. It’s more like a murmur:

With all this OctoMom and Jon & Kate fuckery going on I completely forgot that the Pregnant Dude was knocked up with his second child. Well, ABC News reports that Thomas Beatie and his wife Nancy have a new baby son that was born earlier today. Their first child, Susan Juliette, was born last June.

They haven’t decided on a name yet, but they have decided that Nancy would be tittyfeeding their new son. Some source-type also said it was a natural birth. I guess that means the baby came out of his peen hole. It happens. Bigger things have come out of my peen hole before. There I go again. Ruining some beautiful with gutter talk. [link]