3 billboards bearing anti-Obama messages have sprang up alongside interstate highways 85 and 75 in Atlanta. The mystery is not the billboards, but who paid for them.

The signs are in a series of four digital billboards ranging in price from $2,500 to $3,500 a month. A website — BillboardsAgainstObama.com — has been set up to collect donations to purchase more billboards in Atlanta.

The unidentified head of the group behind the website says the site has received more than 1800 hits and financial contributions.

The anti-Obama billboards contain the usual scare tactics and stop just short of a call to arms. The billboards are also protected by the First amendment of the Constitution of the United States — a Constitution that is already being chipped away bit by bit by Barack Obama and his Democratic party.

The Supreme court will soon weigh in on the Constitutional aspect of the individual mandate within Obama’s health insurance bill that calls for every American to purchase insurance or face stiff fines by the IRS.

Attorneys general of 13 states have filed lawsuits against the bill. And 25 more states are lining up to file. Virginia Attorney General Kenneth T. Cuccinelli II argues in his lawsuit that forcing Americans to purchase goods or services is a historical first and violates the Constitution that controls abuse of power by the federal government and protects Americans against the formation of a single party police state.

Obama asserts that mandating Americans to buy insurance is necessary because not buying insurance affects interstate commerce which in turn affects the economy.

But the attorney generals argue that if Obama and the Democrats can get away with forcing Americans to buy insurance (to shore up the economy), then they can force Americans to buy cars or any other goods and services that affects the economy if Americans don’t buy.

They argue that ObamaCare is the first step towards dismantling the Constitution — and a lot of us saw this coming even before Obama was elected president.

Source: 11Alive